Our firm gave speech for the Institute of Securities Dealers which previously had the continuing training course in relation to the practical experiences on the investigation of SFC, and the speech was presented by our senior consultant, Ms. Genevieve Ku. The Institute of Securities Dealers also invited the Vice President […]
Dr. Edmond Fong, the Founder and the Managing Partner of our firm, has set up two awards for his alma mater, the Faculty of Law of the University of Hong Kong, which include “FONGS Prize in International Law” and “FONGS Prize in Company Law”, to students with outstanding achievements. It […]
Our firm held a Christmas party on Christmas Eve and prepared a number of gifts and cash prizes to all the staff to make us feel the Christmas ambience.
The mid-autumn festival party was held in mid-September by following the Chinese traditional culture. All staff members prepared different kinds of traditional cuisine, like moon cakes, big bowl feast, fruits as well as beverage, which allows all staff members to enjoy and celebrate the festival. Dr. Edmond Fong, Founder and […]
Our success is based on our expertise, strong commercial network across different sectors, as well as the excellent quality of service. It is so glad that two legal professionals join the Fongs, who are Ms. Genevieve Ku and Ms. Carol Yao. Ms. Ku was admitted as a Solicitor of High […]
Dr. Fong attended the 35th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Precious Metals Traders Association Limited & the Inaugural Ceremony of the 18th Executive Committee & the Appointment Ceremony of the Chairman of the 18th Executive Committee. Prof. K C Chan, GBS, JP, Director of the Financial Services […]
Ms. Mun Lee Ming, a solicitor of Hong Kong, (fourth from the left) is a candidate of the Legal Functional Constituency (2016). Her contribution to the legal profession has received plenty of supports from professionals of legal field. She visited our firm and shared her experiences with Dr. Fong, the […]
We are honored to corporate with the Mainland and Macao law firms to set up the ZLF Law Office. The Opening Ceremony of the joint venture was held in Zhuhai Hengqin Youth Valley office in July 2016. On the same day, we invited Mr. Wang Zhenmin, the Legal Minister of […]
We are pleased to announce that we have recently set up a Joint Venture law firm—ZLF Law Firm (“JV”) with Zhong Yin Law Firm (“Zhong Yin”) and Rato, Ling, Lei & Cortes (“Rato”). The JV was established in Hengqin free trade zone, Zhuhai on 8th January 2016. This JV law […]