FONGS Registered Foreign Lawyer, Ms. Nicole Cai was invited to attend HKU Legal Advice Programme’s (“LEAP”) Opening Ceremony on 5th October, 2018. It is a formal occasion for student participants to become acquainted and express their gratitude towards the collaborating law firms. LEAP is a project funded by the HKU […]
FONGS Partner, Ms. Genevieve Ku was invited to attend the first graduation ceremony of Ludus Kindergarten & Nursery earlier. Our client, Ludus Kindergarten & Nursery promotes ‘edu-tainment’ (educational entertainment), allowing children to learn while playing, to explore the surrounding spontaneously, and hope that children’s time in Ludus Kindergarten & Nursery […]
(Left) Dr. Edmond Fong , (Right) Professor Michael Hor, Dean at Law Faculty, HKU Dr. Edmond Fong participated in the activity of Law Faculty Opening Ceremony on 31st August, 2018 to present the “FONGS Prize in international Law” for the best performance student in the course.
Sarah-Jane TASTEYRE, has been invited alongside UK solicitors’ firm Kingsford, to participate at Conference organized by the Notary Firm Cheuvreux in Paris, on the subject of Estate Planning in international context. Sarah-Jane will be talking of her experience and practice in Hong Kong of Estate Planning and dealing with cross […]
In December 2017, Ms. Genevieve Ku and Dr. Edmond Fong presented the “FONGS Prize in Company Law” for LLB and “FONGS Prize in International Law” for LLM to the students of outstanding performance respectively at HKU 198th Congregation, Faculty of Law. Mr Fong giving back to the community by set […]
Dr. Fong attended the opening ceremony of Wilson Cheung Water Color Painting Exhibition for the Ricci Hall Trust in December, the exhibition was held at 7/F Exhibition Gallery in City Hall, with the attendance of Professor Peter Mathieson, HKU President and Vice-Chancellor and Reverend Father John Yong Tang S.J., Warden […]
We are proud to announce the cooperation with a leading Japanese Consulting Firm. This is a “membership” consulting firm which has now about 400 members in Japan with different backgrounds, i.e. company producing liquid glass, Japanese sushi franchise, company with patented technology to permanently generate electricity etc… Mr Mamoru Kobayashi, […]
In December 2017, FONGS Co-sponsor the China Property and Consumption Investment Summit organized by Euromoney Conference, a global leading economic organizer which was held in the JW Marriott, Hong Kong. There was over 400 attendees in the event. The topics discussed include: To what degree will China’s leadership reshuffle affect […]
The Panorama of Almaty City and Kok-Tobe (a 1,100 meters hill located in southeast of Almaty, also known as “Green Hill”) Kazakhstan is located in Central Asia with territories across Europe and Asia. It shares borders with Russia, China and other countries. It is the world’s largest landlocked country. Almaty […]
Next Monday, December 11th, our two French foreign lawyers Sarah-Jane TASTEYRE and Adeline LE SAINT will be making a presentation on Family Law for French Nationals living in Hong Kong at the French Consulate. The conference will be dealing with issues of marriage, prenuptial contracts, divorces and probates, focusing on […]