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SY Chang.

Senior Consultant

Profile of SY Chang

SY is a solicitor qualified to practice in Hong Kong and also a lawyer qualified to practice in the USA.  He has over a decade of legal experience working for international law firms and solicitors’ firms in Hong Kong.   Previously, while working at an international law firm, he was seconded for a year to one of the largest law firm in Korea.  His practice area includes corporate, commercial, finance, litigation and arbitration.


  • Solicitor – Hong Kong
  • Lawyer – Washington, USA


Certificate of Appreciation from the Ministry of Trade, Investment and Energy of The Republic of Korea for legal services;  and

Certificate of Appreciation from the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency for legal services.

SY Chang

Senior Consultant


  • Appointed  as Legal Counsel by the Consulate General of The Republic of Korea;
  • Former Vice-Chairman and Director of the Korean Chamber of Commerce;
  • Former Member of The National Unification Advisory Council, Ministry of Unification of The Republic of Korea;
  • Former Director of the World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of The Republic of Korea.
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